Canadian Adult Education Credential

The GED® is no longer available in Canada effective May 3, 2024. The Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) provides a high-quality, Canadian education credential to replace the GED®.

There is no effect on the validity of completed GED® credentials. The GED® will continue to be recognized as a valid credential.

Jasper Employment and Education Centre offers a CAEC preparation course for those looking to study and prepare before their CAEC test.

The CAEC preparation program will include:

  • Study materials

  • Support with exam booking

  • Exam preparation support

  • Tutoring, with up to 30 hours of tutor support a week.

Initial CAEC Course Assessment


CAEC Preparation Course


Trade Readiness

If you are taking an apprenticeship program in Alberta, you must meet the educational requirements for your trade before you can start your technical training. If you cannot prove you meet the educational requirements for your trade, you can write a trade entrance exam. Passing this exam will prove that you have the basic educational requirements for technical training in your trade. If you pass a trade entrance exam with a mark of 70% or higher, you are eligible to attend technical training.

Jasper Employment and Education Centre offers a Trades Readiness course for those looking to study and prepare for their Trade Entrance Exam.

There are five different trade entrance exams one for each of the five different clusters of trades. Each cluster includes trades and occupations that have similar skill and knowledge requirements.

The Trades Readiness Course will Include:

  • Study materials

  • Support with exam booking

  • Exam preparation support

  • Tutoring, with up to 30 hours of tutor support a week.